Monday, September 13, 2004

Ok, this is just a reminder that this coming Sunday, the 19th of September, is Talk Like A Pirate Day. That's right, you heard me. There's a link to the right you should check out. Or for you lazy clickers, go here:

That will keep you well informed. So this Sunday, while we're all watching football, or watching your men watching football, make sure you talk like a pirate. Use all the pirate lingo you can. "Avast me hearties, storm's a-brewin' off the starboard bow!", "Aaarrr! What a bunch o' land-lubbers!", "You scurvy dogs! Get yer arses off the couch and do somethin' useful fer a change!" Things like that. All day. It's fun and it'll annoy your friends.

Be well, travel safe, and careful when you put your sword back in your scabbard.

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