Monday, July 26, 2004

It is a hard-fought battle in a war waged against ignorance and stupidity.  I work at a major university in California and I have to say that I never realized the magnitude of the ignorance problem in this country.  I've been here a number of years now, and each year a new group of people cause my jaw to hang slack in amazement at the lack of common sense synapses firing in the minds of the great majority of people. 

Oh, I would understand if it were just the 17/18 years old freshmen.  College is a new thing and here they are being thrown out on their own.  Even when it's their choice, I get that it can be a little overwhelming.  I was there, too.  I remember.  But then I talk with the parents.  How did they get so frickin' stupid?  So few of them read the paperwork they get in the mail.  Everything you need to know is in print for them, and it's sent to the address they give the university, and yet, they don't read anything!  And then when they miss a deadline or don't do something they're supposed to do, they complain that they didn't know - no one told them!  Boo hoo!    Read your fuckin' mail, morons! 

Whew!  Sorry.  This job has really made me misanthropic.  I'm really quite jovial and gregarious by nature, I swear.  I think people are just getting dumber and lazier.  They just want to put he responsibility elsewhere.

And to think, it's still summer.  Middle of August rolls around and I'm gonna be eyes deep in people that have the intellectual acumen of a box of dirt.  Oy.

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