Friday, July 18, 2003

Hello again. Holy crap, I'm tired. It's been so bloody hot lately that I can't sleep worth a damn at night. Which means I could sleep all day. Didn't help last night that I ate something that didn't like me.
Went to this Italian restaurant called Maggiano's with some friends last night. I ate there once before and I was sick all the next day. I thought maybe it was a random thing, maybe I ate too much or the food was too rich, I don't know. Well, clearly their food just doesn't agree with me because about 3 hours after eating there I was not well. So, word to the wise, if you live in L.A., don't go to Maggiano's at The Grove. Their food will turn your insides to liquid. I'll never go there again. Fuck them. Not to mention that they really give WAY too much food. Monstrous portions. You could never eat it all and there's no justifiable reason why anyone should. If you wonder why Americans are so overweight, go to Maggiano's and you'll get your answer. It's just wrong.
OK, I got that rant out of the way. It's another Friday and I don't want to be at work, but at least I have my Mondays off this summer so I'm looking forward to my three-day weekend. This day can't pass by fast enough. I'm going to be grumpy all day just out of spite. Won't that be fun? Woo hoo!
I love the way I write this as if someone is actually going to read it other than me. It's basically the same as talking to myself. Or talking to the voices in my head. Nothing like an internal monologue with your schizophrenia.

Ok, until next time, this is Neil, saying, shoo! Git! Move along. As if anyone is even here...

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